Michelle Bibby

Infection Control Consultant

Founder and Sole Director of Infection Prevention Australia, Michelle is a Registered Nurse who offers her clients over 20 years of Infection Control experience.  Having practiced  in the public, private and aged care sector, Michelle is also consulted to private dialysis clinics and specialist day surgery centres. Qualifications include:

  • Certificate in Sterilisation and Infection Control,
  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  • Graduate Diploma in Infection Control
  • Accredited in Victoria as a Nurse Immuniser
  • HIV/HCV Counsellor
  • Gold standard Hand Hygiene auditor and Cleaning Standards auditor

David Morton

Registered Clinical Pharmacist

David is a Registered Clinical Pharmacist with over 10 years experience in both public and private hospital pharmacies, much of which includes managing pharmacy departments. David’s interests include practicing evidence based use of medications (including antimicrobials), system innovation, problem solving and facilitating sustainable changes to practice. Qualifications include:

  • Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours
  • Graduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy
  • Accredited in Victoria as a Pharmacist Immuniser

Jacqui Davis

Infection Control Consultant

Jacqui is a Registered Nurse with over 20 years nursing experience in both public and private hospitals, which includes 10 years in an Infection Prevention and Control Clinical Nurse Consultant role in a major public hospital. Jacqui also has experience in Quality and Risk Management, including NSQHS Accreditation and ISO Certification, working as a Quality Coordinator in the private section, both in a Victorian based role and in an ANZ role. Qualifications include:

  • Bachelor of Nursing
  • Certificate in Infection Control and Sterilisation
  • Accredited Nurse Immuniser in Victoria
  • Accredited HIV/HCV Counsellor
  • Gold Standard Hand Hygiene Auditor

Our Vision

To Be The Infection Prevention Business Of Choice, A Thriving Organization Noted For Our Culture Of Respect, Support And Sustainability

Our Mission

To Provide Excellence In Infection Prevention

Our Values

Respect For All Integrity – Responsive – Innovation