Infection Prevention Australia (IPA) is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles set out in Schedule 3 of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Victorian Health Records Act 2001. IPA treats the management of personal information as a priority.

The term “personal information” refers to any information or opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent or can be reasonably ascertained from the information or opinion.

The term “health information” is sub-set of personal information and refers to any information or opinion about the:

  • health of an individual and their expressed wishes about the future provision of health services to them
  • health services provided to or to be provided to an individual
  • other personal information collected in connection with the donation or intended donation, of body parts or organs
  • genetic information about an individual in a form that is or could be, predictive of the health of the individual or a genetic relative of the individual

IPA will only collect, use and disclose personal information for the primary purpose for which it was collected or for a directly related secondary purpose which you would reasonably expect (or about which we have told you or sought your consent to do so) or as permitted and required by law.

IPA collects personal information for the purpose of :

  • processing registration of members
  • maintaining membership and service records
  • identifying, creating and providing services

The kinds of personal information that IPA collects and holds include:

  • employment information
  • contact information
  • health information of an individual

IPA collects personal information:

  • through membership and service enquiries (online, by phone)
  • in the course of providing services (in person, by phone, by other electronic means)

Unless required by law, you can choose not to provide personal information. You can also choose not to identify yourself when dealing with IPA or in the course of your dealing with IPA identify yourself under a pseudonym. However, if personal information is not provided or you do not identify yourself, IPA might not be able to effectively provide you with certain services.

If you do not want your personal information to be disclosed, IPA will endeavour to accommodate this request provided that disclosure is not required by law. However, if your personal information is not disclosed IPA might not be able to effectively provide you with certain services.

IPA takes reasonable steps to keep all personal information secure and to protect that personal information from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

IPA endeavours to keep personal information accurate, complete and up to date. If any person requires information about the way IPA manages his or her personal information, or requires a review or requests a correction to his or her personal information held by IPA or has any queries, problems or complaints, the person should contact IPA during normal business hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday). However, IPA may refuse to provide any person with access to information where IPA is permitted by law to withhold that information.

Whilst IPA does not charge an application fee for making a request for access, you may be charged administration, photocopying, counter, courier and delivery fees.  Any fees charged will be aligned to the relevant Privacy or Health Records legislation.

If IPA determines that personal information is no longer needed for any purpose, IPA will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify that personal information, unless the information is contained in a Commonwealth record or IPA is required by law or a court/tribunal order to retain the information.


When using the IPA website, you should be aware that no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Although IPA strives to protect such information, IPA does not warrant the security of any information transmitted to it over the internet. Any information transmitted to IPA over the internet is done so at the risk of the person or organisation transmitting the information.

When you visit our website, we do not attempt to identify you and we do not store your personal information. We will only collect and store your personal information if you choose to provide this to us via an online form or by email, for example through our general enquiry or contacts page.

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