Investing in education and training of any kind, is good for your organisation and your staff.

Infection prevention and control education and training aims to provide your staff with the skills, capabilities and knowledge that supports the provision of the best possible care to your customers, residents and others who rely on your services.

On-going or one off targeted infection prevention and control education and training not only contributes to the reduction in the overall rate of risk of infection but also supports a multi-faceted approach in the provision of care and in the improved compliance to Standards and Guidelines.

Education and training can be tailored to fit your organisation and your staff needs. Whether that training is specific to a particular requirement e.g. Hand Hygiene training or PPE use or waste management etc, or more general infection prevention and control awareness and risk management, IPA can deliver content to your requirements and then assess competencies.

Education and training can be delivered at a time and place that fits your environment. This includes either “face to face” formal training sessions with an infection prevention practitioner or on-line using tools such as WebEx or Zoom.

Examples of Education and Training on offer include:

  • Basic infection control precautions
  • Hand hygiene
  • Environmental cleaning
  • Cleaning standards auditor training
  • Instrument decontamination and safe injection practices
  • The use of standard precautions, transmission-based precautions and personal protective equipment
  • A deeper understanding of the types of infection spreads, the sources of infection, and modes of transmission
  • Infection prevention and risk management within a workplace